Within the academic activities of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST - EU Transport Infrastructures, Multimodality, Interconnection, Sustainability and Technology, 2022-2025, Department of Economics, University of Genoa, cofunded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union:
- Thursday 27 March 2025, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Galata Room, Departement of Economics, the seminar titled "Freight Forwarding Contract (Contratto di spedizione)" will take place in blended.
The speaker is: Enzo Fogliani, Rome Bar - EU/EFTA Canton of Ticino Register.
The seminars will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti - GIUR-02/B) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Galata Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams (to receive the relevant link please contact: giovanni.marchiafava@unige.it)

Thursday 13 March 2025, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Galata Room, Departement of Economics, the seminar titled "Standard Ground Handling Agreement" will take place in blended
The speaker is: Enzo Fogliani, Rome Bar - EU/EFTA Canton of Ticino Register.
The seminars will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione e dei trasporti - GIUR-02/B) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Galata Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams (to receive the relevant link please contact: giovanni.marchiafava@unige.it)

- Thursday 23 January 2025, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Giovanni Marchiafava, assistant professor of Navigation and Transport Law, and coordinator of the Jean Monnet EUTIMIST, cofunded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Department of Economics, University of Genoa, gave the presentation titled "Cruise and Digital Platform: Liability, Limitation of Compensation and Insurance Aspects" within the webinar titled "Trasport and Digital Platform: Liability and Limitation of Compensation" organized in collaboration with the Chair of Navigation and Transport Law, University of Teramo and the Jean Monnet Chair EUILAP, cofunded by the Eramus+ Programme of the European Union.

- Tueday 12 Septembre 2024, at the Maison de l'Avocat de Marseille, France, Giovanni Marchiafava, assistant professor of Navigation and Air Law, and coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Deparment of Economics, University of Genoa, presented his paper title "Etat du droit italien reglementant l’occupation d’un anneau dans un port de plaisance, les differents modes d’utilisation et/ou d’exploitation d’un navire de plaisance et l’assurance de responsabilite civile" within the 33° Conference of the Juris’Cup 2024 "Le Droit de la Plaisance en Europe: Droit de l’UE et Droit Comparé".
The Conference was organized with the participation of the Delegation des Barreaux de France, Bruxelles.

- Wednesday 24 July 2024, at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Giovanni Marchiafava, assistant professor of Navigation and Air Law, and coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Deparment of Economics, University of Genoa, presented his paper titled “The Threats to Maritime Security as a Global Challenge” within the panel “Challenges to Be Faced in Building a New Shared Global Order” at the Seventh Global International Studies Conference “International Relations in a World of Flux: Understanding Continuity, Change and Contestation” that was held in Warsaw, Poland, on 24-26 July 2024.
The conference was organized by the World International Studies Committee, The Polish International Studies Association and the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw.

- Thursday 16 May 2024, 3:00-4:00 p.m., Galata Room, Department of Economics, the seminar titled "Logistics and Transportation: Operations and Decision-making" will take place
The speaker is: Lorenzo Fornaroli, Senior Supply Chain Executive and Interim Manager.
The seminar will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Galata Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams (to receive the relevant link please contact: giovanni.marchiafava@unige.it)
Please see below the seminar's programme/announcement:

- Tuesday 23 April 2024, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Tabarca Room, Department of economics, the seminar titled "International Transport and Trade Connectivity: The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor and The Middle Corridor" will take place.
The speaker is: Alessandro Gili, Research Fellow Centres on Geoeconomics and Infrastructure ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale.
The seminar will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Tabarca Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams (to receive the relevant link please contact: giovanni.marchiafava@unige.it)
Please see below the seminar's programme/announcement:

- Monday 8 april 2024, 2:00-4:30 p.m., Metelino Room, Department of Economics, the seminar titled "I grandi progetti infrastrutturali del piano urbano della mobilità sostenibile (PUMS) di Genova" will take place in blended
- in presence: Metelino Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams (to receive the relevant link please contact: giovanni.marchiafava@unige.it)
- Please see below the seminar's programme/announcement:

Monday 25 March 2024, 3:00-4:00 p.m., Metelino Room, Department of Economics, the seminar titled "Natura dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale: cose o persone? Dal Draft Report 2016 al EU Intelligent Artificial Act 2024" will take place in blended
The speaker is: Giancarlo Taddei Elmi, CNR, Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari (IGSG), Osservatorio su Intelligenza artificiale e diritto, Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto.
The seminar will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Metelino Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams

Monday 11 March 2024, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Metelino Room, Departement of Economics, the seminar titled "Standard Ground Handling Agreement" will take place in blended
The speaker is: Enzo Fogliani, Rome Bar - EU/EFTA Canton of Ticino Register.
The seminars will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Metelino Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams

- Monday 26 February 2024, 3:00-4:00 p.m., Metelino Room, Department of Economics, the seminar titled "Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe" will take place in blended.
The speakers are: Maria Grazia Melchionni, Editor-in-Chief of the review "Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali" (RSPI), and Marco Doria, Full Professor of Economic History, Department of Economics, University of Genoa.
The seminars will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova.
- in presence: Metelino Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams

- Thursday 23 november 2023, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Famagosta Room, Department of Economics, the seminar titled "Process Evolution, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence for 2030 Green and Optimized Supply Chain: Transition from Motorways of the Sea to EU Maritime Space" will take place in presence.
The speaker is Luca Abatello, Circle Group President and CEO
The seminar is coordinated by Mauro Chirco, Adjunct Professor of Navigation and Air Law in collaboration with Giovanni Marchiafava, Senior Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and it will be held whithin the following course Law and Practice of National, EU and International Shipping Programmes, Maritime Contracts and Marine Insurance Law, and Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST.

- Virtual visits of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the European Commission took place online by Microsoft Teams platform on Friday 26 May 2023, 10:00-11:30 a.m. and 2:20-5:15 p.m.,
The virtual visits consisted of a series of webinars carried out by CINEA and EU Commission's representatives.
The participants attended the virtual visits
- in presence: Tabarca Room, III floor, Department of Economics
- online: Microsoft Teams
The virtual visits were introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genoa.
See below the Agenda of the virtual visits:
- Two seminars titled "Use of Maritime State Property and Territorial Waters" will take place on Wednesday 24 May and Wednesday 31 May 2023, 10:00 a.m.
The speakers are Claudio Angelone and Maria Grazia Fuschi, Maritime Lawyers, Pescara Bar
The seminars are held within the course of "Maritime Passenger Transport Law, Cruise and Tourism", Degree Course "Maritime and Port Economics and Management" (LM-77), where the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST is located.
The seminars will be introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genova
- in presence: Fieschi Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams
- The blended seminar titled: "La strategia europea Global Gateway" took place Friday 31 March 2023, 3:00 p.m.
The guest speaker was Dott. Alessandro Gili, Associate Research Fellow, Centres on Geoeconomics and Infrastructure, ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale.
The blended seminar was held:
- in presence: Tabarca Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams
The seminar was introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genoa.

- The blended seminar titled: "Infrastrutture di trasporto, Intelligenza artificiale e Diritto - Parte generale - Natura dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale: cose o persone? Dalle Risoluzioni del Parlamento europeo del 2017 e 2020 alla Proposta di Regolamento UE del 2021" took place Monday 6 March 2023, 3:00 p.m.
The guest speaker was Giancarlo Taddei Elmi - CNR, Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari (IGSG), Osservatorio su Intelligenza artificiale e diritto, Rivista italiana di informatica e diritto.
The blended seminar took place:
- in presence: Tabarca Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- online: Microsoft Teams
The seminar was introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione - SSD IUS/06) and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genoa.

- The blended seminar titled “Incoterms 2020: Rules for Maritime Transport” took place on Friday 13 January 2023, 3:00 p.m.
The guest speaker was Maria Beatrice Deli, Professor of International Law, University of Molise and Chair of the Arbitration and ADR Commission, International Chamber of Commercial (ICC), Italy.
The seminar was introduced by Giovanni Marchiafava, Assistant Professor of Navigation and Air Law (Diritto della navigazione SSD IUS/06) and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST, Department of Economics, University of Genoa
- Microsoft Team Platform
- Agostino Passadore Room, Department of Economics, University of Genoa

The joint webinar titled “The so-called Piantedosi Decree: Evidence of Effectiveness” took place on Monday 30 January 2023, 10:30 a.m., by Microsoft Teams platform.
The webinar was organized in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Module LAICA -"Legal Academy on Immigration & Citizenship in Action" coordinated by Marco Benvenuti, Full Professor of Public Law, Department of Economics and Law, Sapienza University of Rome.
Introduction and Coordination
Marco Benvenuti - Sapienza University of Rome- LAICA
Giovanni Marchiafava - DIEC, University of Genoa - EUTIMIST
Fabio Caffio - Admiral (r.)
Francesca Cancellaro - Bar of Bologna
Giuseppe Cataldi - University of Naples “L’Orientale”
Francesca De Vittor - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Luca Masera - University of Brescia
- Microsoft Teams Platform, click link