The Jean Monnet Module EUTIMIST - EU Transport Infrastructures, Multimodality, Interconnection, Sustainability and Technology, Department of Economics, 2022-2025, University of Genoa, is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It is located within the “Maritime Passenger Transportation Law, Cruise and Tourism course”, Degree Course “Maritime and Port Economics and Management” (LM-77, EMMP, Study Programme).

According to a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, the Module introduces students to knowledge and analysis of the main economic, legal, environment and technology issues related to the implementation, availability, management, accessibility to transport infrastructures and telematic applications of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) that aims at promoting interconnection and interoperability between national transport networks of the EU Member States. The Module also considers multimodality, sustainability and energy issues related to EU transport infrastructures.
The Module consists of a specialized blended course, 48 hrs for 3-year, (lectures, laboratories and seminars) carried out in Italian language (English language on demand) by 20 lectures of Italian and foreign Universities.
The Module’s programme is divided in four sections: 1. EU Transport Infrastructure Law; 2. EU Transport Infrastructure Economics; 3; EU Transport Infrastructure Environment; and 4. EU Transport Infrastructure Technology.
Within the Module, additional academic activities (for example, conference, round tables, workshops and guided visits) are organized in collaboration with associations and research institutes to focus specific topics related to transport infrastructures through the contribution of competent operators, professionals and representatives of private and public entities, promoting interaction between students and working world.